
Not a fluke. I did it again!

So I chickened out on the morning run.

I got out this evening and found yet another route.  Let's call it Dark Side II since it's an off-shoot of Dark Side and it's longer.  I managed to conquer that route, despite my fantabulous decision to have second helpings at dinner. 

Let's talk about what you shouldn't eat before going off on a run.  An alien stole my brain for a moment and I made the yummiest mexican hot dish.  It's one of those dishes that you only eat if you're trying to gain weight.  Take seconds if you need to gain weight faster.  Corn bread and sour cream are the biggest offenders in the dish.  But seriously, you have to live sometimes.  Only you should be smart about it and take a small portion.  My tummy is still stuffed and I ate 3 hours ago....and took a run. 

I had an excellent run, which makes me wonder....am I not eating enough before my runs?  Obviously a double dose of a Mexican dish is not the answer, but maybe I need to re-evaluate how I'm fueling up.

HMMM  Lots to think about. 

Now to take the last for minutes of my day to relax and prep for bed. 

Good night everyone!

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