
Bike helmet, check! Costco run, check!

Got a bike helmet and off I went!  It was so nice to switch it up and take a bike ride instead of running.  I went about 5 miles....I think.  I'll need to check it out.  I loved working different muscles.  It felt SO GOOD!

We ran to Costco this morning and picked up a new toaster (a 4-slicer!), new Rubbermaid set, and various food items.  You know, it feels really good to get new stuff and throw out the old.  Obviously with a new house it seems like you need new stuff.  I had blogged earlier that we got new kitchen and bath towels because it didn't seem right to come into a new house with old towels.  Besides, our towels were getting gross anyway. Our intention was to use what we had because it's more cost effective.  Obviously.  But something feels weird about walking into a new house with old towels.  We spent a lot to build the house and landscape it.  The last thing we needed to do was re-furnish it.  The toaster today replaced the 2-slicer so that feels more like a necessity as the family is getting older.  The Rubbermaid replaces our disposable containers.  Not so much a necessity, but it sure is nice.  I almost feels like we're newlyweds again!  Seriously, try it sometime.  Buy a box of some new kitchen stuff, wash it up and put it away.  See what happens.

When we go to wedding and baby showers, we always say, "it would be nice if I could have another shower to get new stuff.  My stuff is so old after (pick a number) years."  Well, yes.  I would encourage, if you can to just get new things....if you really feel you need to be refreshed.  This isn't a very frugal idea and in these times, who can afford it, right?  I'm not saying go out there and re-furnish your house in one evening.  Look for sales and replace things as you can.  We have been donating and recycling lots of the old stuff and are actually down sizing in the process.  We had over 20 bath towels that we never used.  We went to Target (Walmart would work too) and grabbed 6 new towels in the store brand line.  Each towel was about $5 if I remember correctly.  That's right, we live off of 6 towels (plus the 3 baby towels for Ty).  Think of how much room we save.  We hang and re-use 5 towels for a few days and then I wash.  I'm storing only 4 towels.  We have a few hand towels for guests and one wash cloth for Ty.  We use mesh sponges so there's not point in having a bazillion hand towels.  (Actually, the hand towels went to the kitchen rags and I use them to wipe up Ty after meals.  They are the perfect size and saves money on paper towels.)  Sorry, I ramble, but there are ways to de-clutter and get new if you work at it.

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