
Brain fog

It's been forever since I've blogged. I have/had the perfect thing to blog about and every time I sit down...poof! there goes the idea. It can't be age because I'm certainly not THAT old. Must be a mommy thing. I wonder if they've been able to scientifically prove that each kid takes a little part of your brain during pregnancy. I'd buy it!

Well today we had a busy morning and a mommy with a little icky tummy. Not a good combo, but what do you do? M2 had a birthday party and M1 had a karate fun tournament/pot luck. Thankfully both at the same time. That means just one trip into town for us! I won't go into details, but it got a little hairy around here this morning as we all tried to get ready with showers, expressing milk, and making a salad (for which I didn't have all the ingredients) all with a baby crying - no, screaming - through the process. There's nothing like 30 minutes of screaming baby to frazzle a mommy. Even a veteran mommy gets flustered. Doubly thankful for my mom who came with us to help with baby when I was helping M1 at the fun-tournament. At one point I really wanted to blame my hubby for all this chaos because he was safe at work. That would be completely unfair....I'm the one who signed us up for all this. Besides, he'd rather be with us than at work. Put on your big girl panties and deal. In the end the kids had fun and we're all still alive to tell the tale.

Next on the agenda. Get the big kids to bed early. They spent the night at grandmas, went to bed WAY too late, got up WAY too early, and are WAY too tired.

Good night everyone. Please say a little prayer for us tonight...it'll be a rough bedtime.

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